Kristine Szabo

Dear Dr. Vokshoor,
I wanted to tell you how grateful I am to have met you. For months I was practically unable to walk, crawled into hospital emergency rooms on four different occasions, and despite trying everything from acupuncture, chiropractic methods, massage therapies, numerous prescription pain medications, weekly pain shots and eventually three epidurals, I continued to live with chronic spinal pain.
After having met you and feeling comfortable opting for disc surgery, I can only say that I wish I would have done it earlier, saving months of agony. I remember being wheeled into the surgery room and feeling extreme comfort in your hands. My instinct was correct. After a pain-free evening of rest, I walked out of the hospital the next day brand new. A month later, at the end of an hour-long yoga class, the lady beside me asked me, "Excuse me, but what kind of athlete are you? Your practice is incredible!" I laughed, and replied to her, "Wait until I tell my back surgeon who operated on my herniated discs a month ago!!!"
On an even better note, exactly a year ago, three years after my surgery, I delivered a healthy baby boy completely naturally at home in a short but intense four-hour-labor. As I pushed and pushed on my back, imagine that I was thinking what a miracle to have my back so very strong... and of course Dr. V as my doctor.
Thank you for all you have given me... mind, body and "soul".
Respectfully and gratefully,
Kristine Szabo